Yet again another year has flown by. So we thought it would be nice to look at how we can make the most out of a new one.

2020 is here and 2019 feels like it was light-years ago. I don’t know about you, but I always feel like that and once we get into a new year by the time you know it, it’s over. Just like that, in a flash it’s a new year, with new challenges and opportunities.

We all know January is not anyone’s favourite month. Normally for me it’s the month I begin by being very proactive and end with ‘I’ll try that again in February’. I don’t know if you feel the same but after the low of Christmas passing by, the long wait until your next payday and the new year diet, it just becomes the slowest month of the year.

However, this year in the Kiddykare office we are going to try and start the year as we mean to go on. Using our fresh start to take up new challenges, learn new things and try something we wouldn’t have done in 2019.

We would also like to help you, whether you’re new to childcare or someone with many years of experience. We would love to help you find your next challenge in life, to start your new year with a bang.

Kiddykare’s top new year tips

  • Start with small goals – Keep realistic and make goals you can achieve in certain timescale.
  • Make yourself a plan – Decide and outline your tasks and how you will overcome any challenge that may arise.
  • Make the leap – Take a chance, be confident in yourself, keep trying and don’t give up.

Lastly, we would like to give you our new year cv tips, to help you stand out from the crowd and secure your new year challenge.

Kiddykare’s CV tips

  • Spelling – Always use spell check before submitting anything, even the best, make mistakes sometimes.
  • Keep it simple e.g. no textboxes – Make sure your cv is clear, simple and professional.
  • Contact details are a must – This is so important to include so that people can contact you immediately, rather than having to hunt for your details or for you to miss out on the opportunity because you can’t be contacted.
  • Dates of employment ordered chronologically – This is very important; it helps set out your career history and makes sure your employment history is fully covered.
  • Small snappy personal statement – Make sure you sell yourself and include something about you personally to make you more memorable to recruiters or employers.

We hope to hear from you about your new year challenge,

The Kiddykare Team

Author: Jen Wilson

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