As world book day (5th March 2020) is fast approaching, it is a lovely way to celebrate reading and understanding all the benefits that come along with it. Here at KiddyKare we strongly believe that reading and sharing books together is such a great way for children to learn.

So, whether that’s looking at pictures, listening to an audio or beginning to read some of the words within the book; It all makes a big impact on the development of children, but also helps to create a great bond between children and their familiar adults. Whether its within their home life or during their nursery routine, it can also be used as a great comfort and a chance to form social bonds.

Books can be a great aid to help children learn an array of other things such as emotions, noises/sounds, expressions and much more!

Some great ideas to improve your story times could be:

  • Using Puppets alongside your chosen story – These can be used to recreate characters within the story, learn familiar words and phrases as well as to explore emotions of characters and how they may be feeling in situations.
  • Props – Such as a water spray for when you talk about water or visual aids to help tell the story. It is great for children with EAL or who like to explore sensory items to concentrate for a longer period.
  • Creating sensory trays – Bring a story to life, using props to create scenes that have been happening with the story. Then when you read the story alongside this, it can help the children to experience the story first-hand.
  • Creating themed areas within your house/nursery to mirror the story. You could then act out the story whilst you read it, or older children could try and remember the story themselves.

So, whatever you do for world book day, whether you are dressing up as your favourite character within your nursery/school setting or spending time with your children reading their favourite book.  We do hope you have the best day and get to enjoy reading!

Author: Jen Wilson

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